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Finding Arrival Longitude

You depart LAT 50° 06’ N, LONG 153° 06’ E and steam 879 miles on course 090°. What is the longitude of arrival?

           LAT 50° 06’ N
           LONG 153° 06’ E
           Distance = 879 miles
           Course = 090°

What is asked?
                        Longitude of arrival


Step 1. Solving for the difference of longitude (Dlo). We can use the formula of parallel sailing in getting Dlo.

             Distance = Dlo × Cos Lat
                     Dlo = Dist        
                               Cos Lat
                     Dlo = 879             
                               Cos 50° 06’
                     Dlo = 1370.33 miles (divide this by 60 to convert it into degrees)

                     Dlo = 1370.33 ÷ 60             
                     Dlo = 22° 50’ 20” E  (the sign is east because our ship is moving easterly, course  090°)

Step 2. Add Dlo to the longitude of departure (long1) to get longitude of arrival (long2).
                  Long1 =   153° 06’ E
                      Dlo = + 22° 50’ 20” E  (add because Long1 and Dlo have the same name)
                  Long2 =  175° 56’ 20” E  is the longitude of arrival